American artist Dan Flavin (1933–1996) was a pioneer of Minimal Art. He rose to fame in the 1960s with his work with industrially manufactured fluorescent tubes, inventing a new art form and securing his place in art history. Back in 1963 Dan Flavin mounted a single, industrial fluorescent light tube at a 45-degree angle to the wall of his studio declaring it art; the act was radical, and it still is. Indeed, it was owing to this action that standard commercial products would be introduced into art: The nascent Minimal Art of the era emphasised seriality, reduction and matter-of-factness. Somewhat ironically, while the autodidact Flavin never himself sought membership to this movement in art, he would, and quite literally, go on to become one of its most illustrious exponents.
Dan Flavin, "untitled (to my dear bitch, Airily) 2", 1984, The Dan Flavin Estate, Courtesy David Zwirner, © Stephen Flavin / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich, Photo: Florian Holzherr
Flavin began work with fluorescent light tubes from the early 1960s on; arranged in so-called ‘situations’, he would then further develop them into series and large-scale installations. The colours and dimensions of the materials he used were prescribed by industrial production. Flooded in light, viewers themselves become part of the works: The space, along with the objects within it, are set in relation to each other and thus become immersive experiences of art triggering sensual, almost spiritual experiences. Flavin liberated colour from the two-dimensionality of painting. The prevalent perception of his light works has, to date, largely centred on their minimalist, industrial aspect, and thus on the inherent simplicity of their beauty.
Dan Flavin's work untitled (to my dear bitch, Airily) 2 can be seen in the Neubau connecting wing until March 30, 2025. Flavin traveled to many dog shows with his golden retriever, Airily. The dog won several competitions and received the highest rating ever awarded to a golden retriever in the United States. He dedicated this major installation to Airily as a sign of his affection for her.