Hans Holbein the Younger, Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach, 1519
Oil and tempera on spruce 29.9 × 28.3 cm Acquired with the Amerbach-Kabinett
Paul Klee, Senecio (Soon to be Aged), 1922
Oil on chalk primer on gauze on cardboard, original yellow-framed frame. 40.3 x 37.4 cm Purchase, 1931
Clyfford Still, 1957 - D No. 2, 1957
Oil on cotton 289 × 407.3 cm Donated by the Swiss National Insurance Company on the occasion of its seventy- fth anniversary ( 1958 ), 1959
Pablo Picasso, Seated Harlequin, 1923
Oil on canvas 130.2 × 97.1 cm Permanent loan from the City of Basel, 1967
Henri Rousseau, Jungle with Setting Sun, ca. 1910
Oil on canvas 113.6 × 162.3 cm Purchased 1948
Piet Mondrian, Composition No.I, with Red and Black, 1929
Oil on canvas 52.3 × 52.2 cm Donated by Marguerite Arp-Hagenbach, 1968
Vincent Van Gogh, Self-Portrait with a Japanese Print, 1887
Oil on canvas 43.2 × 33.9 cm Permanent loan of the Dr. h.c. Emile Dreyfus Foundation, 1970
Frank Stella, Ifafa II, 1964
Powdered metal and acrylic on canvas 197 × 331.5 × 7.5 cm Purchased 1970
Andy Warhol, Ten-foot Flowers, 1967–1968
Screen printing ink on grounded canvas 293.3 × 293.2 cm Purchased 1972
Edgar Degas, Injured Jockey, ca. 1896-1898
Oil on canvas 180.6 × 150.9 cm Purchased with special funding from the City of Basel, 1963
Hans Holbein the Younger, Erasmus of Rotterdam Writing, 1523
Oil and tempera on paper, mounted on fir wood 37.1 × 30.8 cm Acquired with the Amerbach-Kabinett, 1662
Ferdinand Hodler, Lake of Geneva, seen from Chexbres, 1905
Oil on canvas 82.1 × 104.2 cm Birmann Fund, 1905
Arnold Böcklin, Island of the Dead, 1880
Oil on canvas 110.9 × 156.4 cm Permanent loan of the Gottfried Keller Foundation, 1920
Paul Klee, Villa R, 1919
Oil on cardboard 26.5 × 22.4 cm Purchased with a special grant from the City of Basel, 1939
Donald Judd, Untitled, 1962
Cadmium red oil on fir wood with synthetic resin painted iron pipe 121.5 × 83.5 × 55.5 cm Purchased 1984
Paul Gauguin, Ta matete ( The Market ), 1892
Oil on burlap 73.2 × 91.5 cm Donated by Dr. h.c. Robert von Hirsch, 1941
El Lissitzky, Proun 1 D, ca. 1919
Oil on canvas on plywood 71.6 × 96.1 cm Donation from the Oskar and Annie Müller-Widmann Collection, 1965
Claude Monet, The Rock Needle and the Porte d’Aval, 1884
Oil on canvas 60.2 × 81.5 cm Permanent loan of the Dr. h.c. Emile Dreyfus Foundation, 1970
Martin Kippenberger, Profit Peaks with Wirtschaftswerte by Joseph Beuys II, 1985
Oil, silicon, multiples by Joseph Beuys on canvas 150 × 180 cm Purchased with funding from the Max Geldner Foundation, 2010
Alexander Calder, Big Spider, 1959
Iron, painted black 296 × 395.6 × 339 cm Donated by Dr. h.c. Maja Sacher-Stehlin on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Basel University, 1960
Pablo Picasso, Esquisse pour "Les Demoiselles d’Avignon", 1907
Black chalk and pastel over pencil on paper 47.7 × 63.5 cm Kupferstichkabinett, donated by the artist to the City of Basel; permanent loan of the City of Basel, 1967
Hans Baldung Grien, Death and the Woman, ca. 1520
Oil and tempera on lime wood 29.8 × 17.1 cm Museum Faesch, 1823
Max Beckmann, The Nizza in Frankfurt on the Main, 1921
Oil on canvas 100.1 × 65.3 cm Purchased with a special grant from the City of Basel, 1939, inv. 1737
Claude Monet, The Footbridge over the Water-Lily Pond, 1919
Oil on canvas 65.6 x 106.4 cm Acquired with a special loan from the Basel government and a contribution from the Max Geldner Foundation, 1986
Joseph Beuys, Hearth II, 1978–1979
Installation with elements made from copper, iron, felt, wood, and white chalk height of vertical rods : 92 cm Acquired with funding from the Max Geldner Foundation, the purchase loan, and the Gallery Fund, 1977/Donated by the artist with the participation of others including the Alti Richtig Carnival society, 1979
Konrad Witz, Meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate, ca. 1437– 40
Oil and tempera on spruce lined with canvas 158 × 121 cm Donated by Prof. Louise-Elisabeth Bachofen-Burckhardt, 1894
Andy Warhol, Ginger Rogers, 1962
Bleistift auf festem Zeichenpapier Blatt 60.3 × 45.7 cm Karl August Burckhardt-Koechlin-Fonds 1972
Hans Holbein the Younger, Portrait of the Artist ’s Wife with the Two Oldest Children, ca. 1528/29
Oil and tempera on paper, cut out round the contours of the gures and mounted on lime wood 79.4 × 64.7 cm Acquired with the Amerbach-Kabinett
Andreas Gursky, Frankfurt, 2007
C-print ( laser print ) / Diasec, framed ; ed. 1 / 6 238 × 506 cm Purchased with funding from the Max Geldner Foundation and the Friends of the Kunstmuseum Basel and the Museum für Gegenwartskunst, 2008
Konrad Witz, Saint Christopher, ca. 1435–1445
Oil and tempera on oak 101.5 × 81 cm Donated by Friedrich August La Roche-Burckhardt, 1868
Marc Chagall, Cattle Dealer, 1912
Oil on canvas 97.1 × 202.5 cm Acquired with a donation from Dr. h.c. Richard Doetsch-Benziger, 1948
Egon Schiele, Woman Lying on Her Back, 1914
Pencil and gouache 31.8 × 48.2 cm
Paul Cézanne, Five Bathers, 1885/1887
Oil on canvas 65.3 × 65.3 cm Acquired with funding from the City of Basel, the Max Geldner Foundation, and private patrons, 1960
Pablo Picasso, The Two Brothers, 1906
Oil on canvas 141.4 x 97.1 cm Deposit of the Einwohnergemeinde der Stadt Basel, 1967
Robert Delaunay, Homage to Blériot, 1914
Glue-bound distemper on canvas 250 × 251 cm Purchased 1962
Mark Rothko, No.16 (Red, White and Brown), 1957
Oil on canvas 252.5 × 207.3 cm Donated by the Swiss National Insurance Company on the occasion of its seventy-fifth anniversary (1958)
Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, A Culmination, 2016
Oil on canvas 200.5 x 250 x 3.8 cm Purchase
Barnett Newman, White Fire II, 1960
Mixed media on unprimed canvas 244 × 193 cm Purchased 1973
Amedeo Modigliani, Marie ( Marie, Daughter of the People ), 1918
Oil on canvas 61.2 × 49.8 cm Bequest of Dr. Walther Hanhart, Riehen, 1975
Hans Baldung gen. Grien, Youthful Self-Portrait, ca. 1502
Pen and black ink, heightened with pink and white, on bluegreen prepared paper 22 × 16 cm Amerbach-Kabinett, 1662
Gerhard Richter, Motorboat, 1965
Oil on canvas 170 × 170 cm Donated by the Hanspeter Schulthess-Oeri Fund, 1977
Lucas Cranach the Elder, The Judgment of Paris, 1528
Oil and tempera on beech 84.7 × 57 cm Donated by Martha and Robert von Hirsch, Basel, 1977
Edvard Munch, Road in Åsgårdstrand, 1901
Oil on canvas 88.3 × 113.8 cm Donated by Sigrid Schwarz von Spreckelsen and Sigrid Katharina Schwarz, 1979
Jasper Johns, Flag Above White with Collage, 1955
Encaustic and collage (newspaper) on canvas 56.2 × 48.6 cm Donated by the artist in memory of Christian Geelhaar, 1994, inv. G 1994.1
Paul Cézanne, Study for “The Eternal Feminine”, ca. 1870/75
Pencil and black chalk on paper 17.8 × 23.7 cm Acquired 1934
Paul Klee, Siebzehn irr, 1923
Feder und Aquarell auf Papier, aufgezogen auf Karton 22.3 × 28.6 cm Legat Richard Doetsch-Benziger
Félix Vallotton, The Pond (Honfleur), 1909
Oil on canvas 73.2 × 100.2 cm Permanent loan of the Friends of the Kunstmuseum Basel and the Museum für Gegenwartskunst, 1995
Paula Modersohn-Becker, Self-Portrait as a Half-Length Nude with Amber Necklace II, 1906
Oil on canvas 61.1 x 50 cm Acquired with a special loan from the Basel government, 1939
Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Equilibrium, 1934
Oil on canvas 99.8 x 73.3 cm Donation Hans Arp, 1966
Sam Gilliam, Rondo, 1971
Acrylic paint on canvas with oak beams 261.6 x 365.8 x 198.1 cm Acquired with funds from the Arnold Rüdlinger Fund, Voluntary Academic Society Basel Peinture acrylique sur toile avec poutres en chêne
Walter De Maria, Beds of Spikes, 1968–1969
Stainless steel; five plates mounted with 307 spikes each plate 33.5 × 200 × 106 cm, each spike 27 × 2.5 × 2.5 cm Purchased 1996
Egon Schiele, Portrait of Erich Lederer, 1912–1913
Oil and gouache on canvas 140 × 55.4 cm Donated by Mrs. Erich Lederer-von Jacobs in memory of her deceased husband, 1986
Constantin Brancusi, Torso of a Young Woman, 1918
Marble on limestone base 33 × 20.4 × 19.4 cm; base: 21.2 × 21.2 × 17.2 cm Acquired with funding from the Acquisitions Fund, a special grant from the Basel Great Council, and private gifts, 1980
Martha Rosler, Frontier, from the Series: House Beautiful: The Colonies, ca. 1969-72
Inkjet on Epson Premium paper; Ed. 1/10 + 2 AP 64.5 x 56.3 cm Purchase
Joseph Anton Koch, Macbeth and the Witches, 1829/1830
Oil on canvas 114 × 155.2 cm Donated by Emilie Linder, 1849
Alberto Giacometti, Suspended Ball, 1930
Plaster, metal 61 x 35.6 x 37.3 cm Deposit of the Alberto Giacometti Foundation
Sari Dienes, Screen Bark, 1950s
Plaster collage on copper grid, tree bark and wire 54.6 x 40.7 cm Gift of the estate of Sari Dienes to the Kunstmuseum Basel, received in connection with a perpetual permanent loan from the Michel Hüni Foundation
Oskar Kokoschka, The Wind’ s Bride ( The Tempest ), 1913
Oil on canvas 180.4 × 220.2 cm Acquired with a special grant from the City of Basel, 1939
Hans Holbein the Younger, The Dead Christ in the Tomb, 1521–1522
Oil and tempera on lime wood 32.4 × 202.1 cm Acquired with the Amerbach-Kabinett, 1662
Sebastian Stoskopff, Glutherd mit Artischocke, Grünspechte und Wasserzuber mit Karpfen,
Öl auf Leinwand 54.5 × 72.8 cm Vermächtnis Noetzlin-Werthemann 1928
Bruce Nauman, Seven Virtues and Seven Vices, 1983
Glass and neon tubes 30.5 x 1524 cm (minimum width, dimensions variable) Donation of Katharina and Wilfrid Steib, Basel
Jasper Johns, Out the Window Number 2, 1962
Oil on canvas with objects (wire, metal spoon, piece of folding rule) 183.3 × 122.3 cm Donated by the artist in memory of Christian Geelhaar, 1994
Georges Braque, Pitcher and Violin, 1909/1910
Oil on canvas 116.8 × 73.2 cm Donated by Dr. h.c. Raoul La Roche, 1952
Max Ernst, The Great Forest, 1927
Oil on canvas 113.8 x 145.9 cm Acquired with a contribution by Dr. Emanuel Hoffmann-Stehlin, 1932
Barnett Newman, Day Before One, 1951
Oil on cotton 334.7 × 127.3 cm Donated by the Swiss National Insurance Company on the occasion of its seventy- fth anniversary ( 1958 ), 1959
Paul Cézanne, Le Monte Sainte-Victoire vu des Lauves, 1904/1906
Oil on canvas 59.9 x 72.2 cm Acquired with contributions from the Government of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, the Department of Education of Basel-Stadt, the company CIBA AG, the company J. R. Geigy AG, the company Sandoz AG and from the MeisterwerkFonds, 1955.
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Stafelalp, Return of the Animals, 1919
Oil on canvas 120.5 x 168 cm Donation Eberhard W. Kornfeld 2017
Georges Seurat, Woman with an Umbrella, ca. 1884–86
Conté crayon on Michallet paper 31.7 × 24.7 cm Mit einem Sonderkredit des Basler Grossen Rates erworben 1978
Franz Marc, Animal Destinies (The Trees Showed Their Rings, the Animals Their Veins), 1913
Oil on canvas 194.7 x 263.5 cm Acquired with a special loan from the Basel government, 1939
Bruce Nauman, The True Artist Helps the World by Revealing Mystic Truths, 1967
Glass and neon tubing; ed.3/3+1AP 150 × 140 x 5 cm Purchased 1978
Vincent van Gogh, Marguerite Gachet au piano, 1890
Oil on canvas 102.5 x 50 cm Purchase, 1934
William Kentridge, More Sweetly Play the Dance, 2015
8-channel video installation, AP 1 of an edition of 9 + 3 AP, 4 megaphones, HD video, colour, sound, 15 min; music: Joahnnes Serekeho; edited by Janus Fouché Mass variable Gift in honour of Josef Helfenstein
Hans Holbein the Younger, The Holy Family, ca. 1519
Pen and brush in black and grey wash, heightened in white, on reddish-brown prepared paper 42.7 × 30.8 cm Amerbach-Kabinett
Fernand Léger, The Woman in Blue, 1912
Oil on canvas 193.4 x 129.2 cm Donation Dr. h.c. Raoul La Roche, 1952
Andy Warhol, Black and White Disaster #4 [5 Deaths 17 Times in Black and White], 1963
Acrylic, silkscreen and pencil on canvas Two parts, each 261.9 x 209 cm Purchase
Ferdinand Hodler, Communion with the Infinite, 1892
Oil on canvas 159 × 97.2 cm Birmann Fund, 1910
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Femme dans und jardin (Femme à la mouette), 1868
Oil on canvas 105.5 x 73.4 cm Acquired with a special loan from the Basel government and numerous private contributions, 1988
Oberrhein (Elsass) 15. Jh., Ornamental designs with birds perched on tendrils and banderoles, 1470/80
Pen (black) 21.6 x 26.3 cm Kupferstichkabinett, Museum Faesch
Wassily Kandinsky, Improvisation 35, 1914
Oil on canvas 110.3 × 120.3 cm Donated by Jean Arp, 1966
Henri Matisse, Composition (The Velvets), 1947
Gouache on paper, cut out and mounted on white-painted paper 61.8 × 239.5 cm Kunstmuseum Basel, Acquired with funding from Richard Doetsch-Benziger, PhD (Hon.), Basel, and Marguerite Hagenbach, Basel, 1954 / © 2019, Pro Litteris, Zürich
Pablo Picasso, Man, Woman and Child, autumn 1906
Oil on canvas 115.7 × 88.9 cm Gift of the artist to the municipality of Basel; permanent loan from the City of Basel, 1967
Cy Twombly, Nini’s Painting, 1971
Oil, chalk, and pencil on canvas 260.5 × 299.7 cm Purchased with funding from the Arnold Rüdlinger Fund of the Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft, Basel, with additional support from the acquisitions fund of the Kunstmuseum Basel, 1995
Jan Jansz.van de Velde iii, Still Life with Wineglass and Cut Lemon, 1649
Oil on oak 30.9 × 24.6 cm Bequest of Max Geldner, Basel, 1958
Joseph Beuys, THE HEARTH (Feuerstätte), 1968–1974
Installation with elements made from copper, iron, felt, wood, and white chalk height of vertical rods : 92 cm Acquired with funding from the Max Geldner Foundation, the purchase loan, and the Gallery Fund, 1977
Adriaen Brouwer, Peasant with Bicorne and Tankard, 1630-1639
Oil on oak wood 14.8 x 12.1 cm Kunstmuseum Basel, Vermächtnis Max Geldner, Basel
Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, David with the Head of Goliath before Saul, 1627
Oil on oak wood 27.4 x 39.7 cm Legacy Max Geldner, Basel
Caspar Wolf, Glacier Lauteraar, 1776
Oil on canvas 54.8 x 82.6 cm Purchase, 1932
Ferdinand Hodler, The Dents du Midi seen from Chesières, 1912
Oil on canvas 65.7 x 88.3 cm Legacy Max Geldner, Basel, 1958
Piet Mondrian, Composition: Light Colour Planes with Grey Lines (Composition with Grid 7), 1919
Oil on canvas 49.1 x 49.2 cm Donation Marguerite Arp-Hagenbach, 1968
Lynda Benglis, Foxtrot, 1974–1975
Aluminium wire, cotton gauze, plaster, sprayed-on tin and zinc. 132.1 x 53.3 x 38.1 cm Purchase
Thomas Ruff, Portrait, 1988
C-print, behind plexiglass, framed; Ed. 3/3 + 1 AP 206 x 160 cm Purchase