Foto: @elisabetta.zoe.costa auf Instagram
Kunstmuseum Basel invites you to participate in the #KumuBaselPhotoChallenge on instagram inspired by the special exhibition Dan Flavin. Dedications in Lights.
Explore light in urban space, nature or at home and take photos dedicated to Dan Flavin’s luminous artworks in the exhibition.
Share your photos with us by using the hashtag #KumuBaselPhotoChallenge and tag @kunstmuseumbasel for a chance to get featured. We will include a selection of your photos in our upcoming #FeatureFriday posts.
We can’t wait to see what you will capture!
Dan Flavin made history by creating a new art form: his works made of light extricated color from the context of painting and transposed it into three-dimensional space. His decision to create art out of a mundane utilitarian object remains radical even today.
Foto: @constantin.schiller auf Instagram
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