Every 3rd Thursday of the month, 5–5.45 p.m.
With Mariano Gaich, art mediator
Meeting point: Information Kunstmuseum Basel | Hauptbau
Please bring your own drawing materials.
Costs: CHF 7
The After Work Drawings offer an opportunity to approach the Kunstmuseum Basel in a casual way and provide a multifaceted picture of the museum's perception. It does not matter whether paintings, sculptures, rooms or the art museum audience are drawn. Previous knowledge is not necessary.
In German. Mit dem Kunstvermittler Mariano Gaich. Vorkenntnisse sind keine nötig. Für Interessierte ab 16 Jahren. Beschränkte Platzzahl. Tickets sind an der Infotheke erhältlich. Kosten: CHF 7
On the occasion of the Eurovision Song Contest in Basel, this edition of After Work Drawing is all about music, sounds and our sense of hearing. With art educator Mariano Gaich. No previous knowledge necessary. For those aged 16 and over. Limited number of seats. Tickets are available at the information desk. Costs: CHF 7