On Power

Performative workshop series

Embark on a transformative journey through the thought-provoking art of Paula Rego in this immersive series of performative workshops exploring the themes of power and surrender in a playful way. Through a combination of embodiment, play, reflection, and experimental activities, participants will deepen their own understanding of the concepts, narratives and the complexities of power dynamics and their impact, emotions, and the human psyche. Let’s create a space where reflection, sharing and questioning are encouraged within a guided structure.

The workshops are suited to all shapes of bodies regardless their level of fitness.

Minimum age is 16 years.

Dealing with Power

Friday, October 18, 2024 and December 13, 2024, 4 – 6 p.m.
Kunstmuseum Basel | Hauptbau Atelier

Interactive talk, introduction to the concept of power and a playful exploration of this concept as it appears in Paula Rego´s artworks. A short 6-minute somatic breath work exercise will be presented and offered to do in pairs, where we can consensually explore the dynamics of, handling, and feeling of the complexity of power and its effects.

Costs: Entry + 5 CHF (incl. exhibition) , 5 CHF (excl. exhibition)

Play with Power – Let me walk my Dog

Saturday, November 9, 2024 and December 7, 2024, 4 – 6 p.m.
Kunstmuseum Basel | Neubau, in the exhibition Paula Rego

Participatory, performative workshop designed to explore the concept of play as depicted in Paula Rego's artworks, specifically those featuring dogs. This workshop delves into the complexities of play, including its symbolic meanings and power dynamics, through a combination of somatic exercises, performative enactments, and group discussions. Participants will engage with the characters and archetypes in Rego's paintings, using their bodies to act out and interpret the scenes and emotions portrayed.

Costs: Entry + 5 CHF

Sharka Rey is a psychosomatic sex educator and performance artist based in Basel, Switzerland. Sharka studied psychology at University of West London and is currently focusing her research on sexual culture, “epistemological disobedience”, and power dynamics within her Masters in social sciences at the University of Basel. With a further background in dance, experimental voice work, theatre improvisation, bdsm, tantra, and tao, her main interest lays in exploring ´´realness´´ in encounters (on and off stage), including its boundaries and limits.

1 – 31 December 2024


Sun 1 Dec


NEUBAU Eventfoyer

Was ist das Kind so schön

Schauspiel mit Motiven der Gebrüder Grimm

Naive Prinzessinnen, hinterlistige Stiefmütter, böse Hexen – weibliche Märchen-Stereotype sind tief im gesellschaftlichen Gedächtnis verwurzelt. Die portugiesische Regisseurin Teresa Coutinho schreibt Märchen um.

Wed 4 Dec


NEUBAU Anlieferung

Art of Intervention «Und dann frass er mein Herz»

Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Frauen.

Nachdem in Portugal im Jahr 1998 ein Referendum für eine strafffreie Abtreibung gescheitert war, setzte sich Paula Rego vor dem Hintergrund eigener Erfahrung künstlerisch mit der Situation von Frauen auseinander, die sich zu illegalen Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen gezwungen sahen.

Fri 6 Dec


NEUBAU Eventfoyer

Was ist das Kind so schön

Schauspiel mit Motiven der Gebrüder Grimm

Naive Prinzessinnen, hinterlistige Stiefmütter, böse Hexen – weibliche Märchen-Stereotype sind tief im gesellschaftlichen Gedächtnis verwurzelt. Die portugiesische Regisseurin Teresa Coutinho schreibt Märchen um.

Sat 7 Dec



Play with Power – Let me walk my Dog

Participatory, performative workshop designed to explore the concept of play as depicted in Paula Rego's artworks, specifically those featuring dogs. Costs: Entry + 5 CHF.



NEUBAU Eventfoyer

Was ist das Kind so schön

Schauspiel mit Motiven der Gebrüder Grimm

Naive Prinzessinnen, hinterlistige Stiefmütter, böse Hexen – weibliche Märchen-Stereotype sind tief im gesellschaftlichen Gedächtnis verwurzelt. Die portugiesische Regisseurin Teresa Coutinho schreibt Märchen um.

Tue 10 Dec


NEUBAU Eventfoyer

Was ist das Kind so schön

Schauspiel mit Motiven der Gebrüder Grimm

Naive Prinzessinnen, hinterlistige Stiefmütter, böse Hexen – weibliche Märchen-Stereotype sind tief im gesellschaftlichen Gedächtnis verwurzelt. Die portugiesische Regisseurin Teresa Coutinho schreibt Märchen um.

Fri 13 Dec



Dealing with Power. Interactive Talk

In English. Interactive talk, introduction to the concept of power and a playful exploration of this concept as it appears in Paula Rego´s artworks. Costs: Entry + 5 CHF (incl. exhibition) , 5 CHF (excl. exhibition).

Sat 14 Dec


NEUBAU Eventfoyer

Was ist das Kind so schön

Schauspiel mit Motiven der Gebrüder Grimm

Naive Prinzessinnen, hinterlistige Stiefmütter, böse Hexen – weibliche Märchen-Stereotype sind tief im gesellschaftlichen Gedächtnis verwurzelt. Die portugiesische Regisseurin Teresa Coutinho schreibt Märchen um.

1 – 31 December 2024