Macht Platz!

Macht Platz!

Das Kunstmuseum macht Platz für dich und stellt sich auf dich ein. Stöbere in unseren Pop-Up-Bibliotheken, richte dich ein um zu lesen oder werde kreativ - ob allein oder zusammen mit anderen. An unterschiedlichen Orten im Museum tauchen immer wieder neue offene Angebote auf, damit du das Museum in deinem Rhythmus erkunden kannst. Komm vorbei zum Verweilen und Entdecken.

10-16 Uhr
Kostenloser Eintritt
Kein Treffpunkt

Sonntag, 07. Mai
Sonntag, 02. Juli
Sonntag, 03. September

Nächste Termine

Sun 4 Aug



Macht Platz!

The art museum makes room for you and adapts to you. Browse through our pop-up libraries, settle in to read or get creative - alone or with others. There are always new open offers popping up in different places in the museum so that you can explore the museum at your own pace. Come by to linger and discover. No meeting point. Participation free of charge.

Treffpunkt: Atelier Bildung & Vermittlung, Hauptbau Kunstmuseum Basel

Sun 1 Sep



Macht Platz!

The art museum makes room for you and adapts to you. Browse through our pop-up libraries, settle in to read or get creative – alone or with others. There are always new open offers popping up in different places in the museum so that you can explore the museum at your own pace. Come by to linger and discover. Participation free of charge.

Treffpunkt: Atelier Bildung & Vermittlung, Hauptbau Kunstmuseum Basel

Sun 6 Oct



Macht Platz!

The art museum makes room for you and adapts to you. Browse through our pop-up libraries, settle in to read or get creative – alone or with others. There are always new open offers popping up in different places in the museum so that you can explore the museum at your own pace. Come by to linger and discover. Participation free of charge.

Treffpunkt: Atelier Bildung & Vermittlung, Hauptbau Kunstmuseum Basel