Issues of Our Time: An evening with Teju Cole on his new novel "Tremor"

A cooperation between Kunstmuseum Basel and the Literaturhaus Basel

Kunstmuseum Basel | Neubau
Monday, June 24, 2024
7.30–8 p.m.
Tickets via Literaturhaus Basel

Teju Cole is a novelist, essayist, and photographer. Cole is currently the Gore Vidal Professor of the Practice of Creative Writing at Harvard and a contributing writer to the New York Times Magazine. His most recent book is a novel entitled Tremor (2023), named book of the year is being published in German now. In this novel, Cole dives deep into the colonial history of the USA and uses literary means to investigate how it leaves its mark to this day.

In the event series Issues of Our Time, important thinkers from various disciplines take a stand on pressing contemporary issues and shed light on critical contexts that are driving today’s societies.

15 septembre – 14 octobre 2024


sam 28 sept



Dialogue Session

The Role of Art in Shaping Historical Narratives. Mit Marilyn Umurungi

En allemand. In dieser Veranstaltung wird eine intersektionale, afrofeministische Sichtweise auf BIPoC-Gruppen und -Bewegungen vorgestellt, die für die Sichtbarkeit von Gemeinschaften in der Diaspora entscheidend geworden sind. Kosten: Eintritt + 5 CHF

dim 29 sept



Offenes Studio Gegenwart

De la vie au bord du fleuve Ensemble, nous réfléchissons à la vie quotidienne au bord du Rhin : les hommes, les animaux, les plantes, les pierres et tout ce que nous rencontrons. Quelles histoires le fleuve et ses rives nous racontent-ils ? Quel est le rapport entre la nature et la culture autour du Rhin ? Nous donnerons une forme à nos trouvailles, réflexions et impressions par des peintures, dessins et frottages - en plein air si le temps le permet. Ouvert à tous. Participation gratuite.


jeu 3 oct



Where do we go from here. Critical outlook with guests as part of "When We See Us"

En anglais. The Critical Friends of "When We See Us" - historian Lorena Rizzo, curator Kadiatou Diallo and researcher Sindi-Leigh McBride - invite you to an evening with artists, activists and academics to discuss various socio-critical aspects in the discursive environment of "When We See Us", including white supremacy, questions of representation or the situatedness of the exhibition in a Swiss cultural landscape, and to discuss what a sustainable practice of international cooperation could look like. With an intervention by the Ensemble Institut Jazz and a pop-up bar. Admission: CHF 25/15

sam 5 oct



Serving Questions

Discursive menu and installation by the Hybrid Project Space collective and chef Olivier Bur

In French. At this special lunch, questions will be served that encourage reflection on the exhibition, its themes and the institutional context. Chef Olivier Bur will complement the discussion with food. Participation free of charge, Ticket via ticket link. Limited number of participants.

dim 6 oct



Dialogue Session

The Functional Art Within Community. With Kwaku Dapaah Opoku

En anglais. Artist and designer Kwaku Opoku leads a conversation centered around the intersection of art and community. The session will closely examine instances where necessities sculpted African ancestral artistic practices, seamlessly integrating functionality and shaping what we now recognise as art. Costs: Entry + 5 CHF

15 septembre – 14 octobre 2024